Gemstone Meanings

Agate - Grounding, Nourishment, Stability
  • Agates are a very earthy stone. They provide an overall sense of grounding and can provide great strength at a low intensity. There are numerous types of agates and each one holds a unique healing aspect. 
Amazonite - Truth, Harmony, Peace
  • Amazonite create harmony between different situations and interests. It helps one see another point of view of these situations without emotion. This stone is wonderful for meditation. It is also a  great stone to use to sort through conflicts and confusion. 
Amethyst - Protection, Cleansing, Intuition
  • Many stones are called "Powerhouse Stones" because of their high frequency of vibration. Amethyst is one of those! Amethyst can provide a spiritual protection against negative energy. It can help to connect you to your higher self and assist one in decision making without an emotional attachment. Amethyst helps with meditation and connecting to one's intuition. This stone is one of my ultimate favorites! 
Apophyllite - Awakening, Restoring, Psychic
  •  This crystal awakens the mind to the beauty and magic in the world. It reminds us the importance in restoring our sense of wonder and allowing us to show amazement at the simplest of things. This is a perfect stone for meditating and connecting with your higher self and others.

Aquamarine - Tranquility, Balance, Empowerment

  • Aquamarine soothes anger and promotes a tranquil, focused, relaxed yet attentive state. It is associated with the Divine Feminine, imparting a type of strength that is yielding yet resilient, allowing you to communicate your truth confidently from a position of inner wisdom rather than impulse.
Aventurine - Vitality, Confidence, Optimism
  • A stone of good luck! Green Aventuring is known to be a lucky talisman and a stone of opportunity. This stone can also help people release their old habits and patterns, opening them up to the new opportunities coming in to their lives. This stone creates growth and provides confidence for moving forward. A good one to have! 
Carnelian - Vitality, Confidence & Sexuality.
  • This stone is about action! It boosts willpower and provides physical energy and drive. If you're set on achieving something - this is the stone for you!
Chrysocolla - Calming, Cleansing, Revitalizing
  • Chrysocolla is a wonderful calming stone. It's known for cleansing and revitalizing the chakras. It helps to remove guilt, heal heartache and increases the magnitude to love. Chrysocolla encourages the ability to communicate effectively. This stone also increases self-awareness and promotes inner balance. 
Chrysoprase - Love, Healing, Joy
  • Chrysoprase is a wonderful stone for reminding and reassuring oneself of our heart connect to others and to the beautiful Earth we inhabit. Chrysoprase is very useful for healing broken hearts and preparing us for new relationships. If you find yourself in threatening situations, reach for this energetic stone. This stone brings strength to your ability to remain centered in your heart, which helps you to act from an aspect of compassion, instead of fear or anger. 
Citrine - Calming, Clarity & Manifestation
  • Reduces fear, anxiety & depression. It encourages emotional clarity. Manifests wealth, prosperity & success.
Clear Quartz - Mental Clarity, Master Crystal, Enhancing
  • Clear quartz enhances mental clarity. It can help with emotional stability and it's popular in meditation and restorative work. It can also be used for manifestation and can help create more focus and clarity around a desire. It is a protective stone and can be used to amplify psychic abilities.
Druzy  - Peace, Tranquillity, Patience, Intuition, and Unconditional love
Dumortierite - Calms, Harmonizes, Balances 
  • Dumortierite helps calm, relax, and bring about harmony. Helps to balance emotions and stubbornness. Encourages confidence and standing up for oneself along with staying true to one's beliefs and feelings.
Fluorite - Organization, Focus, Mental Clearing
  • Fluorite helps with mental clutter and organizing priorities. Too often, we have so many ideas and worries and fail to focus on the here and now. Fluorite allows us to slow down and focus on what matters now. This stone is powerful for making decisions! 
Golden Healer Quartz - High Vibration, Master Healer, Clearing
  • This stone is of a very high vibration. It is known to be a master healer which is common of quartz. This crystal raises your vibrations, amplifies your intentions, and can release areas of blockages present in your body and your life.
Green Calcite - Calming, Balancing, Prosperity 
  • Green Calcite holds an abundance of energy used for calming and soothing. This stone helps with relaxation and stress-relief. If you're experiencing stagnant energy or a block in your mental state or intuition, this is a perfect stone to help clear these! With the ability to balance your emotions, it also opens you to prosperity and abundance. Green Calcite stimulates and balances the Heart Chakra and helps connect your mind to your emotions. Green Calcite can help you feel calm and clear even in times of great stress. 
Green Moonstone - Centering, Calming & Stabilizing.
  • Green Moonstone calms emotions & eases emotional instability. It balances over-sensitivity to situations and relieves stress. Green Moonstone allows our feminine side to shine through. It also allows us to become aware of our subconscious, intuitive feelings and emotions.
Hematite - Courage, Strenth, Joint Pain
  • Hematite helps to improve your ability to stand strong, giving you more courage and willpower. Hematite is also known to help ease joint pain. 
Howlite - Release, Rest, Surrender
  • Howlite is a great stone to help with insomnia. It helps to promote true rest and provides a sense of calm. It also encourages releasing attachments which cause stress and comparison of others.
Jasper - Grounding, Earthy Energy
  • Each type of jasper has a unique property. Generally, jasper connects the wearer with Earth energy. It provides a grounding effect and stabilizes oneself. 
Labradorite - Protection, emotional healing, Psychic Powers & Intuition
  • Labradorite assists in awakening and promoting psychic abilities. Very protective stone as it helps to block intruders and keeps your aura strong. Labradorite can help to stimulate the imagination and to calm an overactive mind which makes this stone very versatile. The "flash" on this stone makes this stone a popular one! 

Lepidolite -  Calm, Nurturing, Stress Relief

  • Lepidolite aids in reducing stress and worry during turbulent and overwhelming times. It promotes present-focused thinking, alleviating concerns about the future and releasing past patterns.

Moonstone - Intuition, Inner Work, Patience

  • Moonstone empowers and intrigues, helping you explore your inner self and uncover the hidden truths of your subconscious and past lives. It heightens intuition and cultivates the wisdom and patience to embrace Divine timing.

Mother of Pearl - Prosperity, Intuition, Soothing

  •  Mother-of-pearl shell is often used in mystical work and lore to heighten intuition and imagination, attracting prosperity. It is believed to offer soothing protection and is recommended for children. This gemstone activates the Solar Plexus and Throat Chakras.
Obsidian - Protection, Transforming, Releasing
  • Obsidian is a renowned stone for protection, known for blocking, absorbing, and transforming negative energy. It's seen as a stone of clarity, releasing emotional, physical, and spiritual obstacles, easing stress and tension.
Peridot - Strength, Balance & Harmony
  • Peridot is associated with strength and balance, it is believed to bring peace, health and rest - by harmonizing the mind and body.
Prehnite - Alignment, Clarity, Peace
  • Prehnite is a beautiful stone to create harmony between the will and the heart of oneself. It encourages quiet confidence and clarity. It can help to direct oneself in the correct alignment to your spiritual being. It can also assist in allowing you to hear through  your psychic channels in a clearer aspect. 
Quartz - Manifesting, Amplifying Energy & Clearing
  • Quartz crystal is the most useful and versatile of gemstones for metaphysical work. Quartz can be amplified with intentions and work on your behalf to manifest your desires in to the world. It also intensifies the properties of the energies of companion stones. 

Rainbow Moonstone - Protection & Healing

  • Rainbow Moonstone is a high vibration stone for providing healing and overall protection. This stone clears negative energy along with grief and emotional trauma. In turn, it encourages positivity such as joy and peace.
Rhodonite - Purpose, Generosity, Contribution
  • Rhodonite is a loving stone and encourages understanding of one's gifts and how to use them. Rhodonite helps to feel love by offering love to others according to your life purpose. 
Rose Jasper - Balancing stone of the heart, Self-Love
  • A balancing and gentle stone of the heart, this is a great crystal ally to bring self-love into your life. Place this stone near or on a mirror in our home to welcome nurturing and loving thoughts.
Rose Quartz - Love, Trust, Emotional Healing
  • Rose quartz is the stone everyone goes to when they think of love. Rose quarts opens the heart to trust in love and to have faith in the kindness of the universe. This stone is the best for the heart chakra and opening it to the abundance of love just waiting to be discovered. This stone is a must have and increases the vibration of harmony and love. 
Selenite - Clearing, Healing, Purification
  • Selenite is the most well known stone for clearing and purification. It can be utilized to clear negative auras and to remove stagnant energy. Selenite is known for clearing other crystals as well. Stones/crystals can be placed upon selenite to clear the energy and recharge them with positive influence. Selenite is rare in this capacity and does not need to be cleansed or charged itself! Selenite is a very porous stone and should not be wet. It will become brittle and actually dissolve. 
Smoky Quartz - Grounding, Clearing, Practical Action
  • Smoky quartz is known for clearing negative energies from the environment by grounding them to the Earth. This stone is also known for it's general grounding properties, helping to keep your feet on the ground and allowing you to handle matters in a practicle manner. 
Sunstone - Confidence, Radiance, Leadership
  • Sunstone epitomizes the benevolence and vastness of the sun, promoting and inspiring creativity, leadership, and lively vitality.
Tiger Eye - Balance, Grounding, Discernment
  • Tiger eye encourages balance and centering rather than focusing on the chaos and roller coaster of life. Tiger eye promotes acceptance of life's situations as it comes and taking in the moment as it is without judgement. Lean on tiger eye during difficult situations as it will keep you in the best state of mind to deal with problems.
 Tourmaline - Joy, Emotional Healing, Love
  • Tourmaline is a stone known for ultimate protection. It is a great stone to keep in your pocket on a daily basis or keep in your car for safe travels. You can find tourmaline in many different types and colors. Most know tourmaline in the shade of black but it can also be a mix of pink and green tourmaline known as Watermelon Tourmaline which creates a stone perfect for heart work. .
Turquoise - Wholeness, Truth, Communication
  • Many blue gemstones, such as turquoise, activate the throat chakra. These stones help us to speak our wisdom and truth. Turquoise reminds us that every experience is a gift itself. The good and the bad are all part of our human experience and bring us where we need to be, physically and spiritually. Turquoise encourages acceptance of oneself, flaws and all.